Thursday, March 6, 2014

FFWC Unveils New Easy To Use Bidding System

They have introduced a simple, easy to use interface that allows free agency bidding with copy functions, point and click adds and with a tool bar of the rest of the leagues teams and their remaining budget.
They have a demo of the new system on YouTube and it looks great!
I am looking forward to the FFWC III this year.

Fantasy Football Tips (2nd Edition): 230 Ways to Win through Player Rankings, Cheat Sheets and Better Drafting ($12.95)

Books from Extra Point Press:

Fantasy Football Guidebook (2nd Edition): Your Comprehensive Guide to Playing Fantasy Football ($19.95)

Fantasy Football Basics: The Ultimate "How to" Guide for Beginners available ($10.95) at Amazon

Fantasy Hockey: The Ultimate "How-to" Guide for Fantasy Hockey Players ($14.95)

Fantasy Basketball Handbook: The Ultimate "How-to" Guide for Beginners and Experienced Players ($12.95)

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