What I mean by this is your ability to add new players (or lack thereof) will be the deciding factor on what allocation of positions you have for the playoff run. If, for example, there are NO adds, drops or trades allowed after the playoffs begin (a common system in many of the money leagues), then you need to be more conservative in which positions you carry into the playoffs. In this case, always have an extra QB, TE and K on your roster. Yes kicker . Why because in Nov and Dec weather and kicking outdoors becomes more of a factor. There is nothing worse than watching your playoff team lose by 5 points simply because your one and only kicker is hurt or playing in a snowstorm. Same goes for QB and TE. Both can be affected by game time weather and injuries. Look at all the Rothelisberger, Bradford and Hasselbeck owners who are sweating it out this week if they are there only QBs.
I am not advocating dropping a starting RB for these potential #2 QB, TE or K. Instead try and make room for them by dropping the WR#7 or RB#6 on your team that has yet to see your starting lineup since bye week 7. In other words be realistic, do not drop a player you could easily see starting the following week if needed. Instead look to slim down the fat at plentiful positions and stock up on a rainy day/insurance extra QB or K.
On the other hand, if your league allows adds or drops (trades are tougher in the playoffs because who wants to give you any help then), in the playoff it will be a matter of how the system works. If it is first come, first serve right up until the kickoff time of each game then you can ignore the above advice and DO NOT carry an extra QB, TE or K. Why not? Because you can add one from free agency if absolutely needed at the last second. Do not drop a potential RB or WR for the extra kicker in this case. If you find yourself without a kicker or one with a bad match up in a snow storm, simply add the best available before game time.
One last note of caution, be careful with not carrying an extra QB in leagues where QBs are more valuable (6 pts for passing TDs) or where rosters are so deep that most teams carry extras (or that have so many teams that few QBs are on the waiver wire). In these cases, you may not be able to find a starting QB. In these instances it is best to have a QB#2 going into the playoffs.
Notice also I do not advocate having an extra DEF for the playoffs. Team defenses do not become injured so the worst case scenario is bad weather and often that helps defensive scoring in fantasy leagues.

Fantasy Football Guidebook (2nd Edition): Your Comprehensive Guide to Playing Fantasy Football ($19.95) http://www.amazon.com/dp/0982428650
Fantasy Football Tips: 201 Ways to Win through Player Rankings, Cheat Sheets and Better Drafting ($10.95) www.amazon.com/dp/0982428669http://www.amazon.com/dp/0982428634
Fantasy Football Basics: The Ultimate "How to" Guide for Beginners available ($10.95) at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/0982428634
Fantasy Baseball for Beginners: The Ultimate "How-to" Guide ($10.95) www.amazon.com/dp/0982428693
Fantasy Soccer: The Ultimate "How-to" Guide for Fantasy Football/Fantasy Soccer ($14.95)
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