Many leagues today have a flex spot or position in addition to the standard 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR and 1 TE positions. So in the National Fantasy Football Championship (NFFC) you start 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 Flex, 1 K and 1 DEF. In fact the FFPC ( has two flex spots as they start 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE and 2 flex positions in addition to the lowly kicker and defense. In most formats the flex can be either a RB, WR or TE. In the FFPC the TE earns 1.5 points for catches and thus are more valuable as a potential flex player, so in those leagues you can expect to see more TEs drafted and used a flex player.
But my tip today is a simple one yet rarely employed by fantasy owners. I suggest you always attempt to make the flex player the player with the latest game. If you can make this happen it gives you great freedom to replace them with some else if needed. For example, you have two TEs one will be the TE, the other the flex player. Put the TE with the latest game at flex. Now if the starting TE gets hurt in warm-ups you can put the flex player in at TE and move another player from RB or WR into the flex position. Another example, you are planning on starting 4 WRs (3 as WRs and one as a flex), put the WR with the latest game (say Monday night) in the flex spot. That way if something happens to another WR before game time, you can replace that hurt WR with the flex player and move another player into the flex position. If you had filled the flex position with a WR who started in the early games (1 PM EST) or a Thursday game then that flex spot is over and done and should you need to rearrange due to injuries, etc you no longer have the flexibility to change positions since the flex spot is taken up by the early game player.
Since the flex position can be either a RB, WR or TE it is best to keep that position available until the last possible moment, hence the put in a player with the later game. Big picture-you want to keep all your options open as long as possible and that is what making the flex player the later play does.
The best tip is to fill the flex with the latest playing player for the greatest flexibility. Who knows it just may win you a game one day.

Fantasy Football Guidebook (2nd Edition): Your Comprehensive Guide to Playing Fantasy Football ($19.95)
Fantasy Football Tips: 201 Ways to Win through Player Rankings, Cheat Sheets and Better Drafting ($10.95)
Fantasy Football Basics: The Ultimate "How to" Guide for Beginners available ($10.95) at Amazon
Fantasy Baseball for Beginners: The Ultimate "How-to" Guide ($10.95)
Fantasy Soccer: The Ultimate "How-to" Guide for Fantasy Football/Fantasy Soccer ($14.95)
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