Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tom Brady Suspended for 4 Games in 2015 Season for Deflategate

4 Game suspension for Tom "Terrific" Brady. I see an appeal and reduction to 2-3 games. Still that is 25% of the fantasy football regular season...but with another QB to replace him temporarily it is not a total 25% loss.

NE also were hit by a 2016 1st round draft pick loss, a 2017 4th round draft pick and $1 Million in fines.

Check out the latest book from Sam Hendricks…

Fantasy Football Tips (2nd Edition): 230 Ways to Win through Player Rankings, Cheat Sheets and Better Drafting ($12.95) www.amazon.com/dp/1936635151

Books from Extra Point Press:

Fantasy Football Guidebook (2nd Edition): Your Comprehensive Guide to Playing Fantasy Football ($19.95) http://www.amazon.com/dp/0982428650


Fantasy Football Basics: The Ultimate "How to" Guide for Beginners available ($10.95) at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/0982428634

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