Tuesday, July 28, 2015

One Hour Until Pros vs Joes Live Draft "Purple Drank" League #6

The 2015 FFPC Pros vs. Joes Challenge finishes tonight (in one hour) with League #6 The "Purple Drank" League.  

Another tough league with outstanding Pros such as Matt Schauf from Draftsharks.com, John Hansen of FantasyGuru.com, Michael Nazarek of FFMastermind.com fame and last, but certainly not least, Scott Pianowski from Yahoo.com. Scott and I have battled in Expert leagues over the years many times. I do not envy any of the Pros or Joes that have to draft against him tonight!

Enjoy this great finale to an outstanding contest-the FFPC Pros vs Joes 2015 Challenge.

Watch this draft live on YouTube.com/HighStakesFantasyFootball. The draft is also covered LIVE on The High Stakes Fantasy Football Hour podcast hosted by Dave Gerczak and  Eric Balkman.

Here are the Pros and Joes In League #6

1JoeMichael Rothstein
2ProJeff Mans - FantasyAlarm.com
3JoeChristian "Barney" Newkirk
4ProMatt Schauf - DraftSharks.com
5JoeLance Shupe
6ProGary Davenport - FantasySharks.com
7JoeTom Williams
8ProJohn Hansen - Fantasyguru.com
9JoeJohn Friedline
10ProMichael Nazarek - FFMastermind.com
11JoeCraig Mastro
12ProScott Pianowski - Yahoo.com

The High Stakes Fantasy Football Hour airs normally Friday nights at 10/9c. You can also hang out with the high stakes players in the show's chat room if you want to listen live, but you an always listen on-demand via iTunesStitcher Radio or TuneIn Radio on your iPhone or Android device as well.

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