Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fantasy Index Experts Poll-WR Rankings-13th Place Finsh

I participate in this contest every year.  I finished 13th in WR.

So far:

I am 16th overall and the top 11 finishers qualify to participate in the Mock Draft that will appear in the 2015 edition of Fantasy Football Index magazine.

Time will tell if I can make the Top 11. QB and RB the biggest scorers are coming soon.

1.Bryan Hough51,086
2.David Dorey50,043
3.Scott Pianowski49,841
4.L'Roy Anthony Hale49,845
5.Paul Charchian50,011
6.Tom Deskovitz49,437
7.Mike Clay49,488
8.Bob Henry50,675
9.Michael Nazarek49,774
10.Lenny Pappano50,107
11.Alan Satterlee49,723
12.Bill Enright49,400
13.Sam Hendricks49,098
14.Michael Livengood49,423
15.Cory Bonini48,878
16.Michael Fabiano46,998
17.Micah James48,516
18.Scott Sachs47,893
19.Chris Liss48,772
20.Tony Holm46,588

Check out the latest book from Sam Hendricks…

Fantasy Football Tips (2nd Edition): 230 Ways to Win through Player Rankings, Cheat Sheets and Better Drafting ($12.95)

Books from Extra Point Press:

Fantasy Football Guidebook (2nd Edition): Your Comprehensive Guide to Playing Fantasy Football ($19.95)

Fantasy Football Basics: The Ultimate "How to" Guide for Beginners available ($10.95) at Amazon

Introducing a military thriller from Award Winning author Sam Hendricks- Just One More...

On a fateful night in Afghanistan, a flawed NATO airstrike sets into motion a chain of events that reaches across the world, from Vancouver to Copenhagen to London. How far will one person go for revenge?
In the sleepy English countryside, an F15E Strike Eagle team gears up for a live weapons mission. Can lead pilot "Rider" keep his head in the game and overcome the demons of his past? Hundreds of lives will depend on the answer as a deadly Al Qaeda terrorist cell, and maverick CIA and MI6 agents descend on US soil in a jaw-dropping climax where anything goes.

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