Monday, July 27, 2015

Pros vs Joes League #5 "Saturday Night Special" is tonight Monday Night!

The 2015 FFPC Pros vs. Joes Challenge continues tonight with League #5 The "Saturday Night Special" League.  

This is a particularly tough league with outstanding Pros such as the Sablich Brothers from the NYTimes Fifth down blog, Jules McLean from (a long time rival of mine), David Dodds from (also a nemesis) and JJ Zachariason, author of The Late Round Quarterback and Rotoworld contributor. This will be a great draft to watch!

Watch this draft live on The draft is also covered LIVE on The High Stakes Fantasy Football Hour podcast hosted by Dave Gerczak and  Eric Balkman.

Here are the Pros and Joes In League #5

Monday July 27 @ 9 PM EST
1ProSablich Brothers - NYTimes Fifth down blog
2JoeGary Kuhr
3ProJules McLean -
4JoeCraig Campbell
5ProBrandon Marianne Lee -
6JoeBrian Pakulla
7ProKevin Cole -
8JoeMichael Rader
9ProDavid Dodds -
10JoeJoseph Pike
11ProJJ Zachariason -
12JoeJamey Joseph

Here is the remaining schedule for the 2015 Pros Vs. Joes Drafts:
  • League #5: Saturday Night Special - Monday, July 27th 9p ET
  • League #6: Purple Drank - Tuesday, July 28th 10p ET
The High Stakes Fantasy Football Hour airs normally Friday nights at 10/9c. You can also hang out with the high stakes players in the show's chat room if you want to listen live, but you an always listen on-demand via iTunesStitcher Radio or TuneIn Radio on your iPhone or Android device as well.

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